Espionage action from National Security Agency (NSA) was leaked by Edward Snowden. This time a former member of the NSA said that the leakage of user data by the NSA and British intelligence agency GCHQ can be obtained from the Angry Birds game.
Snowden explained, in a game that slipped leaky app or application leaks. With this application, users can share their photos and locations in a number of applications, such as maps, games, and social networking on smart phones. From there, the NSA and GCHG allegedly received personal data users.
Angry Bird game is thought to be one of them because the game made Rovio’s very popular to this day. If proven true, this is a perfect camouflage because nobody would expect it. Users will not notice when he's playing, it turns out their data is being sucked up by the NSA.
However the, as a developer, Rovio denied the truth of the news. They define the rights of access and share the information they have is only used to update the game and provide relevant ads to consumers.
Angry Bird addition, the Google Maps application maps well into the scope of the personal data of Internet users suctioning. However, again, the NSA denied the allegations and said “just take the data of people who become targets of foreign intelligence “. On the other hand, GCHG choosing not wants to comment on this issue.
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