Saturday, December 14, 2013

Microsoft Launches New Social Media application SOCI

Microsoft Launches New Social Media application SOCI
Microsoft Research team quietly launched a social media application called SOCl. This application is available for Android-based devices, iOS, and of course Windows Phone. Application size is 7.21 MB can be downloaded for free from today, Wednesday, December 11, 2013.

SOCl made by Microsoft in research projects over the years. However, this experiment seems fairly unsuccessful. Even so, Microsoft is still providing its beta version for desktops, until finally Microsoft decided to move to mobile users.

The Next Web sites write usability SOCl much like a combination of Twitter and WhatsApp. With SOCl, the user can share his creation to fellow users, set the preferred content, and share it with another way to make illustrations that can be shared directly to Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter.

Several times SOCl will also display content from a Microsoft employee, perhaps so that users can see the usefulness. Obviously, the team is hoping that mobile applications will attract users.  SOCl is still comfortable and fun to use. Assessment of users is also quite good.


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