Saturday, December 14, 2013

Can Netbook Windows XP running Windows 7?

Can Netbook Windows XP running Windows 7?
Many Windows XP netbook owners wondering whether they have the option to replace it with a newer operating system without disrupting the performance of the system, because reportedly support for Windows XP will end in April 2014 , while they still want to use a netbook .

Actually no need to panic with the end of support for Microsoft's Windows XP, while an upgrade to the appropriate operating system is the right choice.

However, the best choice for users depending on what they want to do with a laptop. When users want to continue using applications that have been held at this time, then you should not have to switch to the newer Windows.

In fact many rumors that said, a number of users successfully running Windows 7 on netbook like Dell Inspiron Mini 10, can even walk more gently when upgrading the memory from 1GB to 2GB. It is better to check first the availability of drivers for Windows 7, via the official support site owned netbook products.

Meanwhile, when not too concerned with the installation of Windows just want to keep working with the netbook, users can install Linux. There are a number of netbook that have an official certification of Ubuntu OS and the user can download and install it at no charge.

In conclusion, if you want to upgrade an old PC from XP to Windows 7 Windows 7 drivers check the profiles on the official manufacturer’s being the right first step. The availability of drivers is an indication that the user can at least to instal the operating system.

Users can also run the Microsoft upgrade advisor that can be downloaded through the Microsoft website. Software will analyze your PC's hardware and software, as well as notify you of potential problems before upgrading.


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