After the release of HP Envy 17 Leap Motion, HP is currently planning to add this technology to its line of PC and PC All in One (AiO) them.
What is the function of motion Leap? This feature allows the execution and order on application made through hand gestures. There are 11 PC include AiO PC that gets the addition of this technology. Through Optimization Hardware HP engineers designing micro sensors measuring 3.5 mm were pinned on the keyboard.
The product eleventh get Air Space, Leap Motion App Store and Software Pre Installed Leap Motion.
"We have just started," According to HP's blog explains Leap Motion. "In the future, commands through hand gestures will become part of our daily life, due to the increasing list of products that will use this technology."
If you who want to have HP products with Leap Motion Technology can be bought in early 2014. Interested?
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