Saturday, November 30, 2013

Smart Glasses - Glasses that Make Blind People Can See

Smart Glasses - Glasses that Make Blind People Can See
Smart Glasses
The team of researchers from the University of Oxford, UK, has developed sophisticated glasses to help people with visual impairment, so that they are aware of the existence of objects in the vicinity.

Reporting from Live Science, 4 November 2013, glasses, named ' Smart Glasses ' is able to tell the type of the objects around him via voicemail. Thus, the blind have no need to use a cane while walking around.

According to Stephen Hicks, lead investigator from the University of Oxford, Smart Glasses consist of a camera device and software to detect an object and displays it in the lens of the glasses.

“This is the beginning of a golden age of technology era. We will continue to develop new features to complement the capabilities of these glasses, “said Hicks.

These glasses are already equipped with two tiny cameras embedded in the two lenses, the same as the human eye when viewing. Then, two cameras will capture pictures and display it on the LED lens transparent.

Images displayed on the lens of course in the form of light, due to the ability of the blind eye is only capable of capturing light and movement. By doing so the wearer is able to see the presence of an object.

In addition, sophisticated eyewear also comes a set of headphones serve to show sounds that let you know the type of objects that are all around the wearer.

To be more accurate, Smart Glasses also equipped with a GPS app, compass, and gyroscope. The app will help users determine the direction of the road only to hear the voice commands.

“The goal was created Smart Glasses to help the blind an increasing number. In the UK, more than two million people suffer from visual impairment and 300,000 of them have been sentenced to the blind, “said Hicks.

Hicks added that the future he will continue to develop the Smart Glasses by adding new functions. “We want users to know the number of the bus and tell the bus destination through voice mail, " he said optimistically.


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