Saturday, November 30, 2013

Microsoft Strengthens Encryption Because Snowden

Microsoft Strengthens Encryption Because Snowden
Microsoft Strengthens Encryption Because Snowden
Microsoft protested against the conduct of the National Security Agency that has tapped into the internet traffic leading technology companies.

According to the Washington Post, one of the techs giant’s attempts to overhaul the system of internet traffic encryption. Reliable sources told the newspaper revealed, Microsoft make changes because they believed the NSA has violated global communications systems.

Conclusion Microsoft probably related to the leaked documents NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who also leaked espionage Australia against Indonesian officials. According to the Washington Post last October on leaked document revealed that NSA secretly accessing data from some giant technology companies, by intercepting unencrypted internet traffic using a program called muscular.

Google's been on the forefront in promoting internet encryption. In May the company announced, at the end of 2013 will switch to the 2,084 - bit key encryption stronger, because the process is completed more quickly, the company immediately began implementing a new encryption next week. Yahoo and Facebook will switch to the 2,048 bit encryption key as quickly as possible.

The Washington Post also reported, in a leaked document about the project tapping Muscular and others exposed, the NSA can spy on Microsoft's Hotmail, Windows Live Messenger and Microsoft Passport.

According to the Washington Post, Microsoft officials scheduled a meeting this weekend. During the meeting they will discuss about the encryption method used at the same time the implementation plan.


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