Saturday, November 16, 2013

5 Year Journey Android OS

5 Year Journey Android OS
Android KitKat icon
5 Year Journey Android OS - A few months after Apple launched the first -generation iPhone in January 2007, rumors circulated that Google will launch a mobile phone that he would be named Google phone. But it turns out; the phone is a mere figment Google phone.

No one knows for sure what will be revealed by Google in the smart phone business, until finally, exactly five years ago, Google revealed a project that has denied all the rumors.

Companies apparently developing a mobile operating system called Android. This operating system is constantly undergoing improvement and development, until he freely adopted by any manufacturer of mobile devices.

Android version 1.0 was released on 23 September 2008. While the first Android phone released to the market is the HTC Dream. In the United States, the phone is known as the T - Mobile G1.

December Smith, one of the T - Mobile employee who helped develop Android for T - Mobile G1, still commemorate the launch of the mobile phone. He shared memories of it through Google's social networking accounts.

“We (T - Mobile and Google) have been working for months with a small team in Building 44 in Mountain View, California. Was so excited, I could not sleep, combined with the team that was about to change the world, “Smith recalled in December.

On that day, Smith is still considering how technology journalists and bloggers covering the launch of Android and T - Mobile G1. He served demonstrate the premiere Android phone. In the midst of nervousness, Smith had to make sure everything runs smoothly, especially the problem of connectivity.

Once the launch is complete, the journalists and bloggers were given the opportunity to try out T - Mobile G1, which Google and T - Mobile bombarded questions about the operating system and mobile phone.

“I think the day was a great success. My wife phoned at home ... and cries. He could not believe it when all people, everywhere, talking about the Android phone from Google. He was very proud, as did mine. "

As time went on T - Mobile G1 has been lost to time, but Android is able to survive and continues to thrive. This operating system has been used by 1 billion devices, including smart phones, tablets, cameras, televisions to smart watches and sunglasses.

Android opens a new era in the mobile device industry. "Currently, Android was everywhere, on my wrist, I can use Google Glass, I can play games, producing amazing artwork, photographs of life, get a job, and even writing this publication with the Galaxy Note 3." “And these are the beginning. I hope you will like this for a little trip down memory, “said Smith.

Android Dominate the World
The green robot now controls most of the global market. Gartner research institute noted the market share of the Android mobile operating system, which stood at 79 percent in the second quarter of 2013, up from 64.2 percent in the second quarter of 2012.

Android has long left its strongest competitor, Apple, which develops iOS mobile operating system. According to Gartner, iOS controlled 14.2 percent market share in the second quarter of 2013.

History of Android itself can be traced back long before the time of first appearance. In October 2003, a group of young men who made up Rich Miner, Andy Rubin, Nick Sears, and Chris White, founded a company called Android Inc., In Palo Alto, California, USA. They build with the core operating system program (kernel) Linux.

Google acquired Android then valued at 50 million U.S. dollars in August 2005. The founders of Android are finally working for Google.

After that, then I seriously working on the green robot and assert themselves into the global mobile device business, with the release of Android version 1.1 in March 2009.

Android ecosystem taking shape since Google released the code composer (source code) for application developers, and make online app store Google Play Store (formerly the Android Market). One by one company expressed support for the Android technology; most of them adopt the green robot in mobile devices and tablets.

Google then released the Android version 1.5 code named “Cupcake “. From this starting Android code names based on names and cakes or desserts in alphabetical order.

Here is the code name of the Android version, and from time to time:
Android 1.1 (March 2009)
Android 1.5 " Cupcake " (30 April 2009)
Android 1.6 " Donut " (15 September 2009)
Android 2.0/2.1 " Eclair " (October 26, 2009)
Android 2.2 " Froyo " (May 20, 2010)
Android 2.3 " Gingerbread " (December 6, 2010)
3.1/3.2 Android " Honeycomb” (May 10, 2011)
Android 4.0 " Ice Cream Sandwich " (December 16, 2011)
4.1/4.2/4/3 Android “Jelly Bean “(July 9, 2012)
Android 4.4 " KitKat " (not yet released)


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