Friday, January 24, 2014

Avoid Use of Bad Password

Avoid Use of Bad password
Worst Passwords of 2013 (spalshdata)
Despite a lot of calls about the need to use strong passwords to passwords, as revealed in SplashData’s annual list there are still a number of internet users who use words easily guessed passwords.

The good news is "password” is no longer the most popular word password, because now occupies the number two position. But his replacement is equally a password that word is no less ridiculous is “123456”.

While the top ranking in the list of bad passwords among other SplashData "12345678", "qwerty " , "abc123", "iloveyou", or series of numbers that are very easy to guess that is "1111111". List Splash data in 2013 also affected from hack Adobe last year, which then release the encrypted password to the approximately 38 million active users.

Morgan Slain , CEO of Splash Data in a statement said, with more and more publicity about the risks of using a bad password , it hoped there will be more people who take simple steps to protect themselves by using stronger passwords and different passwords for websites different .

In addition to using a bad password, internet user carelessness is to use the same password on multiple services or websites. Trustwave review conducted recently discovered, from two million passwords on a server based in the Netherlands, as many as 30 percent of users reuse the same password across multiple social media accounts.

It is better to use the word password strong and avoid using the same password to access some sites or services on the web. Because if passwords hacked, the perpetrator will be more easily accessing other internet accounts when using the same password.


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