Sunday, December 29, 2013

Publish Blogger Posts Past or Future Date?

Publish Blogger Posts Past or Future Date?
Publish Blogger Posts Past or Future Date? Today I will be talking about how to set either a future date or past date on your Blogger posts. This Blogger feature is easy to use and comes in handy when you need to set a Blogger post date other than the current date.

Last year sometime Blogger started to support future dating of blog posts. That meant that webmasters could set up their posts ahead of time and schedule them to become live at a particular point in time of their choosing. This future dating feature is particularly useful if you are going away on holiday or you just want to stay ahead of your game.

I also make use of the post date feature. When I am setting up a new blog I frequently use this feature to set pages like the about page to a date that is a long way back. Another time that has been very handy is when I have missed a post and want to fill in a gap.

To Post Date a Blogger Post
1. Navigate to New Post and create a Blogger post
2. In the Blogger HTML editor click on Post Options which is just below the compose box
3. Select your Blogger post date and time to any date and time in the future
4. Click on Save and Publish Post
5. Click on Edit Posts to find your post will be marked in red as scheduled for the date and time set

To Future Date a Blogger Post
1. Navigate to New Post and create a Blogger post
2. In the Blogger HTML editor click on Post Options which is just below the compose box
3. Select your Blogger post date and time to any date and time before the current date and time
4. Click on Save and Publish Post
5. Click on Edit Posts to find and View your post


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