Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Winamp Soon Become Memories

Winamp Soon Become Memories
Winamp logo
Winamp Soon Become Memories - After over 15 years of circulating the internet Winamp player digital musician who was popular among computer users, will be a distant memory in the near future.

According to a brief note on the Winamp website, the media player can no longer be downloaded after December 20, 2013; including cannot access and other related web services.

Winamp heyday occurred around the late 1990s and early 2000s, when it was Winamp is one of the Internet services are widely used for listening to music and radio streaming. Winamp popularity then began to fade as other services such as iTunes and Windows Media Player appears, but Winamp still has a special place in the hearts of most users.

Winamp was developed by two students from the University of Utah Justin Frankel and Dmitry Boldyrev. Having launched in 1997, Winamp immediately attracted and gained popularity along with the spread of fever sharing MP3 files. AOL later acquired in 1999 and Master Winamp Nullsoft Company owned Frankell to buy shares worth 80 million USD.

In 2007, Winamp was released the 10th Anniversary edition, but most of the time people have switched to a digital music service that is more modern. Moreover, after experiencing difficulties over the years has finally released the Android version of Winamp and Mac, respectively in 2010 and 2011, but less than a positive response because it is so far behind.


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