Recent scientific research by Oxford University scientists concluded, playing video games might help a child experiencing learning difficulties and concentration problems, including dyslexia.
According to the research team, explained the growing evidence that dyslexia is basically against any disturbance of concentration. Thus, parents should encourage their children to play games more often if they have dyslexia, despite their natural feelings tend to send them to play outside.
This condition often occurs in the general population and according to statistics, affects five to 10 per cent of all children everywhere. Patients will have difficulty reading, including when asked to make words and recognize symbols.
According to the NPR report, this is where video games take the role. In a previous study revealed that the game has magic can improve the nervous system of the human brain so that the team Oxford making theory, the resulting positive effects can reduce the symptoms associated with dyslexia.
Vanessa Harrar, an experimental psychologist at Oxford and lead author of the study revealed, the video games require players to respond quickly, by diverting attention to one part of the screen to the other.
This is not only diverting attention from one location to another, but also have to train distracted from sound to visual stimuli and vice versa. He added that there is currently no widely accepted explanation as to what the cause of dyslexia.
The research team also acknowledges much work remains to be done to understand dyslexia emotion. So the discovery of how therapy really appropriate for those conditions still need a few more years.
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