Thursday, January 16, 2014

Offline Computer Tapping by NSA

Offline Computer Tapping by NSA
National Security Agency (NSA) uses secret wireless technology, which allows them to access and change the data on the computer when it is not connected to the internet. According to NSA documents and the results of a New York Times interview with experts, the NSA agent since 2008 utilizing a secret channel of radio waves that can be sent from the hardware installed on the computer. Then, the signal is sent to the receiving station the size of a suitcase to many miles away.

According to the Times, NSA Surveillance has installed software at least 100,000 computers worldwide. The newspaper said, the Chinese forces are often the targets of these technologies, but there is no evidence of the use of agent technology in the U.S. territory.

NSA parties repeatedly expressed rejection that data collection is done arbitrarily limited or not as well as the attackers from China, which is accused of planting similar software on a computer belonging to various companies and U.S. government agencies.

NSA in a statement said the NSA activities are focused and targeted specifically for the defense of foreign intelligence targets are valid in meeting the needs of intelligence. Moreover, it does not use intelligence capabilities to steal trade secrets and foreign companies provide intelligence data obtained by the U.S. companies to improve competitiveness.

Meanwhile Der Spiegel last month reported in detail how the operations of intelligence agencies in conducting electronic eavesdropping equipment to plant spyware, to gain remote access to the system as delivered and installed.

According to the report, NSA has planted a backdoor to access computers, hard drives, routers and other devices from companies such as Cisco, Dell, Western Digital, Seagate, Maxtor, Samsung, and Huawei.


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