Thursday, December 19, 2013

LOGITECH Z50 Multimedia Speaker

LOGITECH Z50 Multimedia Speaker
LOGITECH Z50 Multimedia Speaker
LOGITECH Z50 Multimedia Speaker - Again presents its newest Logitech speaker. This time the design of the ' eye-catching ' is accompanied by a qualified audio quality. Not only that, the price is very affordable. It has always been considered a buyer. This product is the latest speaker LOGITECH Z50. How does the performance of the ' petite ' this? Check out our review below.

As we said at the opening of this review, Z50 has a unique design that will draw your attention. If this glance note speaker design similar to the drink. The design reflects the spirit because it comes with several variants of bright colors, namely pink, gray, and blue. This petite design makes these speakers you can take anywhere.

Although the dimensions of the speakers are not great, but the sound produced is a quite large speaker to speakers of its size, with a 5.7 cm driver, generating a peak power of 10W for a very loud voice? Z50 can also be connected to various devices, thanks to the 3.5 mm audio channels allow you to connect and listen to your favorite multimedia via a variety of devices. These speakers are also designed for easy plug and play; just connect the Logitech Z50 with a Smartphone, tablet or laptop. Logitech Z50 use AC power supply, so no need to recharge Z50 forever.
LOGITECH Z50 Multimedia Speaker

The unique design, performance qualified, certainly makes you want to have this device. Rates are priced for this device is also relatively cheap, only USD $ 25.


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