Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How to Claim Site or Blog on Alexa

How to Claim Site or Blog on Alexa
How to Claim Site or Blog on Alexa. How can they claim their blog on to get successfully listed on that?

Claiming your site or blog on is very necessary because it shows you have site ownership and have rights to site traffic data. Alexa ask some general contact information about site owner. This information is very important to provide on internet if you are doing business kind of thing with your website or blog.

How to Claim Site or Blog on ? It's very easy, just follow step by step:

1. Go to Alexa claim page :

2. Then fill your site/blog address and click on Claim Your Site button.

3. Now on next page please signup for Intro Pack which is free.

4. Copy verification meta code and paste this code in your blog template just below and Save template.

5. Click on 'Verify my ID' button and wait for verification.

6. After successful verification you will see this message 'Your site has been successfully claimed' and then click on 'Continue' button.

7. On next page you should fill your site and personal information but if you want to skip this step you can click on grey color 'Skip' button. If you are filling information then click on 'Save & Continue' button.

8. Finally you'll receive congratulation message. You can now move to Dashboard.

9. On Dashboard you'll see the blog and its stats.

10. Now you can view your blog's stats anytime by using following url. Must change 'your-blog-addrees' with your blog address e.g.


Okay thanks for reading this article. Happy blogging!


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